Human sexual contact
Human sexual behaviour
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Ancient rock paintings in Siberia show the intercourse of men with moose Taylor, 1996. In other words, these are the animals they would like to have sexual contact with though it is obvious to most of those who are interested in large cats and dolphins, that is probably wishful thinking. The attraction may be enhanced by a person's adornments, clothing, perfume, and , and anything else which can attract the sexual interest of another person. The other, the Institute for Sex Research later renamed , begun in 1938 by the American sexologist at in Bloomington, undertook the study of human sexual behaviour.
These opening have many nerve endings that make them sensitive to touch. The majority of males and females have fantasies of some sociosexual activity while they masturbate. In some countries, such as Australia and much of Europe, age-appropriate sex education often begins in pre-school, whereas other countries leave sex education to the pre-teenage and teenage years.
Human sexual behaviour - The Prehistory of Sex. The plateau phase is the precursor to orgasm, which may be mostly biological for men and mostly psychological for women.
For sexual behaviour of other animals, see. Human sexual activity, human sexual practice or human sexual behaviour is the manner in which humans experience and express their. People engage in a variety of sexual acts, ranging from activities done alone e. Sexual activity usually results in and physiological changes in the aroused person, some of which are pronounced while others are more subtle. Sexual activity may also include conduct and activities which are intended to arouse the sexual interest of another or enhance the of another, such as strategies to find or attract partners and behaviour , or personal interactions between individuals for instance, or. Sexual activity may follow sexual arousal. Human sexual activity has sociological, cognitive, , and biological aspects; these include , sharing emotions and the of the , , sexual intercourse and sexual behaviour in all its forms. In some cultures, sexual activity is considered acceptable only within marriage, while and are taboo. Some sexual activities are illegal either universally or in some countries or subnational jurisdictions, while some are considered contrary to the of certain societies or cultures. Two examples that are criminal offences in most are and sexual activity with a person below the local. If there are more than two participants in the sex act, it may be referred to as. Autoerotic sexual activity can involve use of , , , and other , though these devices can also be used with a partner. Sexual activity can be classified into the and of the participants, as well as by the relationship of the participants. For example, the relationships can be ones of marriage, , casual or. Sexual activity can be regarded as or as , involving, for example, , , or activities. Fetishism can take many forms ranging from the desire for certain body parts, for example large breasts, navels or foot worship. The object of desire can often be shoes, boots, lingerie, clothing, leather or rubber items. Some non-conventional autoerotic practices can be dangerous. The potential for injury or even death that exists while engaging in the partnered versions of these fetishes and , respectively becomes drastically increased in the autoerotic case due to the isolation and lack of assistance in the event of a problem. Sexual activity can be consensual, which means that both or all participants agree to take part and are of the age that they can consent, or it may take place under force or duress, which is often called or rape. In different cultures and countries, various sexual activities may be lawful or illegal in regards to the age, gender, marital status or other factors of the participants, or otherwise contrary to or generally accepted. In and , human mating strategies are a set of behaviors used by individuals to attract, select, and retain. Mating strategies overlap with strategies, which encompass a broader set of behaviors involving the timing of reproduction and the trade-off between quantity and quality of offspring see. Relative to other animals, human mating strategies are unique in their relationship with cultural variables such as the institution of. Humans may seek out individuals with the intention of forming a long-term , marriage, , or. The human desire for is one of the strongest human drives. It is an innate feature of human nature, and may be related to the. The human mating process encompasses the social and cultural processes whereby one person may meet another to assess suitability, the process and the process of forming an. Commonalities, however, can be found between humans and nonhuman animals in mating behavior see. This Indian illustration, which shows a woman on top of a man, depicts the male erection, which is one of the physiological responses to sexual arousal for men. The during are fairly similar for both men and women and there are four phases. Typically, a woman's becomes lubricated and her becomes swollen. A male's penis will become erect. A man's urinary bladder closes to prevent urine from mixing with. A woman's clitoris may withdraw slightly and there is more lubrication, outer swelling and muscles tighten and reduction of diameter. Both men and women experience quick cycles of muscle contraction of lower pelvic muscles and women often experience uterine and vaginal contractions; this experience can be described as intensely pleasurable, but roughly 15% of women never experience orgasm and half report having. A large genetic component is associated with how often women experience orgasm. Though generally reported that women do not experience a and thus can experience an additional orgasm, or multiple orgasms soon after the first, some sources state that both men and women experience a refractory period because women may also experience a period after orgasm in which further sexual stimulation does not produce excitement. This period may last from minutes to days and is typically longer for men than women. In the media, sexual dysfunction is often associated with men, but in actuality, it is more commonly observed in females 43 percent than males 31 percent. Sexual activity can lower blood pressure and overall stress levels, regardless of age. From a biochemical perspective, sex causes the release of endorphins and increases levels of white blood cells that actually boost the immune system. A study published in the journal Biological Psychology described how men who had had sex the previous night responded better to stressful situations, it suggested that if a person is regularly sexual, they're regularly relaxed, and when the person is relaxed, they cope better with stressful situations. For the American rock band, see. People engage in sexual activity for any of a multitude of possible reasons. Although the primary evolutionary purpose of sexual activity is reproduction, research on college students suggested that people have sex for four general reasons: physical attraction, as a means to an end, to increase emotional connection, and to alleviate insecurity. Most people engage in sexual activity because of pleasure they derive from the , especially if they can achieve. Sexual arousal can also be experienced from and flirting, and from or BDSM activities, or other. Most commonly, people engage in sexual activity because of the generated by a person to whom they feel ; but they may engage in sexual activity for the physical satisfaction they achieve in the absence of attraction for another, as in the case of. At times, a person may engage in a sexual activity solely for the sexual pleasure of their partner, such as because of an obligation they may have to the partner or because of love, sympathy or pity they may feel for the partner. A person may engage in sexual activity for purely monetary considerations, or to obtain some advantage from either the partner or the activity. A man and woman may engage in sexual intercourse with the objective of. Some people engage in hate sex, which occurs between two people who strongly dislike or annoy each other. It is related to the idea that opposition between two people can heighten , attraction and interest. It has been shown that sexual activity plays a large part in the interaction of social species. She explores the purpose of sexual activity and demonstrates that there are many functions facilitated by such activity including pair bonding, group bonding, dispute resolution and reproduction. Self-determination theory Research has found that people also engage in sexual activity for reasons associated with. The self-determination theory can be applied to a sexual relationship when the participants have positive feelings associated with the relationship. These participants do not feel guilty or coerced into the partnership. Researchers have proposed the model of self-determined sexual motivation. The purpose of this model is to connect self-determination and sexual motivation. This model has helped to explain how people are sexually motivated when involved in self-determined dating relationships. This model also links the positive outcomes, satisfying the need for autonomy, competence, and relatedness gained from sexual motivations. According to the completed research associated with this model, it was found that people of both sexes who engaged in sexual activity for self-determined motivation had more positive psychological well-being. While engaging in sexual activity for self-determined reasons, the participants also had a higher need for fulfillment. When this need was satisfied, they felt better about themselves. This was correlated with greater closeness to their partner and higher overall satisfaction in their relationship. Though both sexes engaged in sexual activity for self-determined reasons, there were some differences found between males and females. It was concluded that females had more motivation than males to engage in sexual activity for self-determined reasons. Females also had higher satisfaction and relationship quality than males did from the sexual activity. Overall, research concluded that psychological well-being, sexual motivation, and sexual satisfaction were all positively correlated when dating couples partook in sexual activity for self-determined reasons. See also: The frequency of sexual activity might range from zero to 15 or 20 times a week. In the United States, the average frequency of sexual intercourse for married couples is 2 to 3 times a week. According to the , the average frequency of sexual intercourse in the US for individuals who have partners is 112 times per year age 18—29 , 86 times per year age 30—39 , and 69 times per year age 40—49. Adolescents See also: The age at which adolescents tend to become sexually active varies considerably between different cultures and from time to time. The first sexual act of a child or adolescent is sometimes referred to as the of the child, and may be considered as a milestone or a change of status, as the loss of or innocence. Youth are legally free to have intercourse after they reach the. A 1999 survey of students indicated that approximately 40% of ninth graders across the United States report having had sexual intercourse. This figure rises with each grade. Males are more sexually active than females at each of the grade levels surveyed. Sexual activity of young adolescents differs in ethnicity as well. A higher percent of African American and Hispanic adolescents are sexually active than White adolescents. Research on sexual frequency has also been conducted solely on female adolescents who engage in sexual activity. Female adolescents tended to engage in more sexual activity due to positive mood. In female teenagers, engaging in sexual activity was directly positively correlated with being older, greater sexual activity in the previous week or prior day, and more positive mood the previous day or the same day as the sexual activity occurred. Decreased sexual activity was associated with prior or current day negative mood or menstruating. According to a research study, sexual experiences help teenagers understand pleasure and satisfaction. In relation to hedonic and eudaimonic well-being, it stated that teenagers can positively benefit from sexual activity. The cross-sectional study was conducted in 2008 and 2009 at a rural upstate New York community. Teenagers who had their first sexual experience at age 16 revealed a higher well-being than those who were sexually inexperienced or who were first sexually active at a later age of 17. Furthermore, teenagers who had their first sexual experience at age 15 or younger, or who had many sexual partners were not negatively affected and did not have associated lower well-being. Main article: Any sexual activity that involves the introduction of semen into a woman's vagina, such as during sexual intercourse, or even contact of semen with her vulva, may result in a pregnancy. To reduce the risk of unintended pregnancies, some people who engage in penile-vaginal sex may use , such as , a , , , or sterilization. The effectiveness of the various contraceptive methods in avoiding pregnancy varies considerably. Sexually transmitted infections Main article: Sexual activity that involves skin-to-skin contact, exposure to an infected person's or carries the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection. People may not be able to detect that their has one or more STIs, for example if they are asymptomatic show no symptoms. The risk of STIs can be reduced by practices, such as using condoms. Both partners may opt be tested for STIs before engaging in sex. The exchange of body fluids is not necessary to contract an infestation of crab lice. Crab lice typically are found attached to hair in the pubic area but sometimes are found on coarse hair elsewhere on the body for example, eyebrows, eyelashes, beard, mustache, chest, armpits, etc. Pubic lice infestations pthiriasis are spread through direct contact with someone who is infested with the louse. Some STIs can also be contracted by using after their use by an infected person, as well as through childbirth or. Factors such as biological and psychological factors, diseases, mental conditions, boredom with the relationship, and widowhood have been found to contribute with the common decrease in sexual interest and activity in old age. National sex surveys given in Finland in the 1990s revealed aging men had a higher incidence of sexual intercourse compared to aging women and that women were more likely to report a lack of sexual desire compared to men. Regression analysis, factors considered important to female sexual activity included: sexual desire, valuing sexuality, and a healthy partner, while high sexual self-esteem, good health, and active sexual history were important to male sexual activity. Both genders in the study agreed they needed good health, good sexual functioning, positive sexual self-esteem, and a sexually skilful partner to maintain sexual desire. Heterosexual sexual practices are subject to laws in many places. In some countries, mostly those where religion has a strong influence on , marriage laws serve the purpose of encouraging people to have sex only within marriage. Laws also ban adults from committing , committing sexual acts with anyone under an , performing sexual activities in public, and engaging in sexual activities for money prostitution. Though these laws cover both same-sex and opposite-sex sexual activities, they may differ in regard to punishment, and may be more frequently or exclusively enforced on those who engage in same-sex sexual activities. Different-sex sexual practices may be , serially monogamous, or , and, depending on the definition of sexual practice, or including. Additionally, different religious and political movements have tried to influence or control changes in sexual practices including courting and marriage, though in most countries changes occur at a slow rate. Homosexuality An Ottoman miniature from the book Sawaqub al-Manaquib depicting homosexuality Homosexuality is the romantic or sexual attraction to the same sex. People with a homosexual orientation can express their sexuality in a variety of ways, and may or may not express it in their behaviors. Research indicates that many gay men and lesbians want, and succeed in having, committed and durable relationships. For example, survey data indicate that between 40% and 60% of gay men and between 45% and 80% of lesbians are currently involved in a romantic relationship. It is possible for a person whose sexual identity is mainly heterosexual to engage in sexual acts with people of the same sex. For example, mutual masturbation in the context of what may be considered normal heterosexual teen development. People who engage exclusively in same-sex sexual practices may not identify themselves as gay or lesbian. In sex-segregated environments, individuals may seek relationships with others of their own gender known as. In other cases, some people may experiment or explore their sexuality with same or different sex sexual activity before defining their. Bisexuality and pansexuality Main articles: and People who have a romantic or sexual attraction to both sexes are referred to as bisexual. Like gay and lesbian individuals, bisexual people who pretend to be heterosexual are often referred to as being. Pansexuality also referred to as omnisexuality may or may not be subsumed under bisexuality, with some sources stating that bisexuality encompasses sexual or romantic attraction to all. Pansexuality is characterized by the potential for attraction, , or sexual desire towards people without regard for their gender identity or. Some pansexuals suggest that they are ; that gender and sex are insignificant or irrelevant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others. General attitudes and others propose three potential social aspects of sexual intercourse in humans, which are not mutually exclusive: reproductive, relational, and recreational. The development of and other highly effective forms of in the mid- and late 20th century has increased people's ability to segregate these three functions, which still overlap a great deal and in complex patterns. For example: A fertile couple may have intercourse while using contraception to experience sexual pleasure recreational and also as a means of emotional intimacy relational , thus deepening their bonding, making their relationship more stable and more capable of sustaining children in the future deferred reproductive. This same couple may emphasize different aspects of intercourse on different occasions, being playful during one episode of intercourse recreational , experiencing deep emotional connection on another occasion relational , and later, after discontinuing contraception, seeking to achieve pregnancy reproductive, or more likely reproductive and relational. Each major religion has developed covering issues of sexuality, morality, ethics etc. Though these moral codes do not address issues of sexuality directly, they seek to regulate the situations which can give rise to sexual interest and to influence people's sexual activities and practices. However, the effect of religious teaching has at times been limited. For example, though most religions disapprove of , it has always been widely practiced. Nevertheless, these religious codes have always had a strong influence on peoples' attitudes to issues of modesty in dress, behavior, speech etc. On the other hand, some people adopt the view that pleasure is its own justification for sexual activity. Human sexual activity, like many other kinds of activity engaged in by humans, is generally influenced by social rules that are culturally specific and vary widely. These social rules are referred to as what can and can not be done by society's rules and sexual norms what is and is not expected. Some activities, known as in some locations, are illegal in some jurisdictions, including those conducted between or among consenting and competent adults examples include and adult-adult. Some people who are in a relationship but want to hide polygamous activity possibly of opposite sexual orientation from their partner, may solicit consensual sexual activity with others through personal contacts, , or, advertising in select media. The increasing popularity of swinging is regarded by some as arising from the upsurge in sexual activity during the of the 1960s. Swinging sexual activity can take place in a , also known as a swinger club not to be confused with a. Some people engage in various sexual activities as a business transaction. When this involves having sex with, or performing certain actual sexual acts for another person in exchange for money or something of value, it is called prostitution. Other aspects of the include operators, , and pornography. Equal relationships between men and women in matters of sexual relations and reproduction, including full respect for the physical integrity of the human body, require mutual respect and willingness to accept responsibility for the consequences of sexual behaviour. Responsible sexual behaviour, sensitivity and equity in gender relations, particularly when instilled during the formative years, enhance and promote respectful and harmonious partnerships between men and women. Given the wide range of practices, some of which may be engaged in by people who do not consider themselves as practicing BDSM, inclusion in the BDSM community or subculture is usually dependent on and shared experience. BDSM communities generally welcome anyone with a non-normative streak who identifies with the community; this may include , extreme enthusiasts, , latex or , and others. Bondage includes the restraint of the body or mind. A submissive is someone who gives up the control to a person who wishes to take control. Masochism means an individual who takes pleasure from their own pain or humiliation. Participants who exert sexual dominance over their partners are known as dominants or , while participants who take the passive, receiving, or obedient role are known as submissives or. Both terms are pronounced the same when spoken. The precise definition of roles and self-identification is a common subject of debate within the community. In a 2013 study, the researchers state that BDSM is a sexual act where they play role games, use restraint, use power exchange, use suppression and pain is sometimes involved depending on individual s. The study serves to challenge the widespread notion that BDSM could be in some way linked to. According to the findings, one who participates in BDSM may have greater strength socially and mentally as well as greater independence than those who do not practice BDSM. It suggests that people who participate in BDSM play have higher subjective well-being, and that this might be due to the fact that BDSM play requires extensive communication. Before any sexual act occurs, the partners must discuss their agreement of their relationship. They discuss how long the play will last, the intensity, their actions, what each participant needs or desires. The sexual acts are all recorded as consensual and pleasurable to both parties. In a 2015 study, interviewed BDSM participants have mentioned that the activities have helped to create higher levels of connection, intimacy, trust and communication between partners. The study suggests that dominants and submissives exchange control for each other's pleasure and to satisfy a need. The participants have remarked that they enjoy pleasing their partner in any way they can and many surveyed have felt that this is one of the best things about BDSM. It gives a submissive pleasure to do things in general for their dominant. Where a Dominant enjoys making their encounters all about the submissive. They enjoy doing things that makes their submissive happy. The findings indicate that the surveyed submissives and dominants found BDSM play more pleasurable and fun. The participants have also mentioned improvements in their personal growth, romantic relationships, sense of community and self, the dominant's confidence, and their coping with everyday things by giving them a psychological release. Main article: There are many laws and social customs which prohibit, or in some way affect sexual activities. These laws and customs vary from country to country, and have varied over time. They cover, for example, a prohibition to non-consensual sex, to sex outside marriage, to sexual activity in public, besides many others. Many of these restrictions are non-controversial, but some have been the subject of public debate. Most societies consider it a serious crime to force someone to engage in sexual acts or to engage in sexual activity with someone who does not consent. This is called , and if sexual penetration occurs it is called rape, the most serious kind of sexual assault. The details of this distinction may vary among different legal jurisdictions. Also, what constitutes effective consent in sexual matters varies from culture to culture and is frequently debated. Laws regulating the minimum age at which a person can consent to have sex are frequently the subject of debate, as is in general. Some societies have forced marriage, where consent may not be required. Same-sex laws Main article: Many locales have laws that limit or prohibit. There are social taboos and many religions condemn pre-marital sex. In many Muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Kuwait, Maldives, Morocco, Oman, Mauritania, United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Yemen, any form of sexual activity outside marriage is illegal. Those found guilty, especially women, may be forced to wed the sexual partner, publicly beaten, or stoned to death. In many African and native tribes, sexual activity is not viewed as a privilege or right of a married couple, but rather as the unification of bodies and is thus not frowned upon. Other studies have analyzed the changing attitudes about sex that American adolescents have outside marriage. Adolescents were asked how they felt about oral and vaginal sex in relation to their health, social, and emotional well-being. Overall, teenagers felt that oral sex was viewed as more socially positive amongst their demographic. Results stated that teenagers believed that oral sex for dating and non-dating adolescents was less threatening to their overall values and beliefs than vaginal sex was. When asked, teenagers who participated in the research viewed oral sex as more acceptable to their peers, and their personal values than vaginal sex. Minimum age of sexual activity age of consent Main article: The laws of each jurisdiction set the minimum age at which a young person is allowed to engage in sexual activity. This is typically between 14 and 18 years, but laws vary. In many jurisdictions, age of consent is a person's mental or functional age. As a result, those above the set age of consent may still be considered unable to legally consent due to mental immaturity. Many jurisdictions regard any sexual activity by an adult involving a child as. Age of consent may vary by the type of sexual act, the sex of the actors, or other restrictions such as abuse of a. Some jurisdictions also make allowances for young people engaged in sexual acts with each other. Prostitution and survival sex Main article: People sometimes exchange sex for money or access to other resources. This practice, called prostitution, takes place under many varied circumstances. The varies from , from being a punishable crime to a regulated profession. Prostitution may be a voluntary individual activity or facilitated or by. The term is used by and poverty researchers and. Archived from on 4 May 2009. Retrieved 30 June 2013. Archived from on 26 May 2012. Retrieved 30 June 2013. Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, 449. Retrieved 10 November 2012. Retrieved 17 September 2012. Archived from on 25 July 2011. Retrieved 6 August 2012. Retrieved 10 November 2012. Sexual Activity and Sexual Desire. Archived from on 2012-05-26. Retrieved 25 December 2014. J Pers Soc Psychol. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Archived from on 6 December 2005. 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Retrieved 30 June 2013. Retrieved 30 June 2013. The Age of Consent: Young People, Sexuality and Citizenship. Archived from on 5 June 2013. Retrieved 30 June 2013. Supreme Court of the Philippines. Retrieved 25 December 2014. WHEREFORE, the judgment of the court a quoconvicting Lorenzo Andaya of the crime of rape is hereby AFFIRMED... Retrieved 30 June 2013. Retrieved 25 December 2014. The defendant appeals his conviction for aggravated sodomy OCGA 16-6-2 a on a five-year-old child victim. Retrieved 30 June 2013. Retrieved 22 March 2009. Retrieved 25 December 2014. Retrieved 22 May 2010. Street kids: the lives of runaway and thrownaway teens. Women's Rights in the Middle East and North Africa: Progress Amid Resistance Freedom in the World.
Dr. Doe's Guide to Great Sex
Main articles: Obscenity, Pornography, and Legal status of Internet pornography See also category: Animal pornography Pornography involving sex with animals is widely illegal, even in most countries where the act itself is not explicitly outlawed. Sometimes only the intercourse with solo kinds of animals - e. If implantation does not occur, it is sloughed off during menstruation. Its outer surface becomes covered with hair after puberty. The number of partners in human sexual networks have been observed to follow a power-law degree distribution by. You human sexual contact get HPV by file vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has the virus. For sexual behaviour of other animals, see. The law provides for sentences of up to two years in prison; a sentence of 12 months was handed down in one case in 2011. One of the earliest rock paintings, that shows a depiction of a man having intercourse with a large quadruped probably a deerdates from the bronze age the 2nd millenium B. Later, would apply this notion in support of the idea that the environment is human sexual contact one develops one's sexual custodes.

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Vaš oglas će biti istaknut na početnoj strani sajta kao i u vašoj kategoriji u kojoj dajete oglas. Poželjno je da radnici imaju iskustva, ali primamo i radnike bez iskustva koji su spremni da stiču nova znanja i veštine i da se usavršavaju.
Tavanski prostor može takođe da se koristi kao magacin. Osnovna zaduženja su: Primeniti definisana uputstva za upravljanje radnim mestom, redovno popunjavati formulare za registraciju realizovane proizvodnje, sve proizvode ili serije označiti odgovrajućim pratećim etiketama, primeniti planirane procedure kontrole. Korisničko ime: nisam-dama Pol: Z Grad: Stara Pazova Nesto o meni: sta sad da se pravim fina? Ukoliko u našem poslovnom sistemu prepoznajete priliku da ostvarite profesionalne planove i postanete deo uspešnog tima, svoju biografiju nam možete dostaviti lično na portirnicu preduzeća na adresi: Evropska 11, Stara Pazova ili je poslati na na e- farbari i priučeni farbari za rad na farbanju termootpornim bojama i plastifikaciji i CO2 zavarivači.
Da li ste sigurni? - Veliki broj kategorija za sve oblasti za Vaš besplatni oglas. CENA PVC LETVICE je 125,00 dinara po dužnom metru, PVC KAPICE 20,00 dinara po komadu!
NOVO, uz našu već dobro poznatu ponudu PVC STOLARIJU po najpovoljnijim cenama i kvaliteta sada vam možemo ponuditi i ŠESTOKOMORNE PVC OGRADICE letvice koje su uradjene od visoko kvalitetnog PVC materijala, otporne na sve vremenske uslove, u beloj boji! Imaju dovoljno dobru čvrstinu i stabilnost, lagane su za montažu i imaju lep estetski izgled - bez dodatnog održavanja i ulaganja! Koriste se za terase, ograde, balkone, stepeništa, itd. Ekonomične i doživotnog veka trajanja. ŠIRINA PVC LETVICE je 7,5 cm a debljine 2 cm. Dodatak PVC OGRADICA su pokrivne PVC KAPICE gornje i donje sto ih čine dosta lepšim i kompletnijim. CENA PVC LETVICE je 125,00 dinara po dužnom metru, PVC KAPICE 20,00 dinara po komadu! Sečenje po vašoj željenoj meri i dostava na vašu kućnu adresu u najbržem roku. Vise informacija na tel. Radno vreme je od 10 do 17 h. Besplatni Oglasi Beograd, Srbija, Hrvatska, Bosna, Makedonija, CrnaGora, Slovenija Nemačka, Austrija… Besplatni internet oglasnik 24h dnevno. Reklamirajte se besplatno putem besplatnih oglasa. Besplatni oglasi mogu vam pomoći da Vaš oglas bude vrlo brzo viđen od velikog broj posetilaca. Dugogodišnjim radom sajt Džabe oglasi se istakao po kvalitetu i objavama vaših oglasa koje su bile potpuno besplatne. Besplatni oglasi mogu biti više uočljivi ako vaš oglas postavite kao ISTAKNUT ili OGLAS NA VRHU, pri čemu ćete platiti povoljnu cenu za takvu uslugu. Vaš oglas će biti istaknut na početnoj strani sajta kao i u vašoj kategoriji u kojoj dajete oglas. Ostali vidovi istaknutog oglašavanja su putem banerskog prostora na vrhu stranice kao i sa desne strane na svakoj strani Džabe oglasa. Besplatni oglasi za brzo oglašavanje Vaših oglasa. Ponuda i potražnja stanova kuća, lokala. Kupovina i prodaja automobila. Tražite posao ili nudite posao. Veliki broj kategorija za sve oblasti za Vaš besplatni oglas.
Uhapšeni mladići zbog brutalnog prebijanja
Korisničko ime: PinkLady Pol: Z Grad: Stara Pazova Zemlja: Srbija Seksualna orijentacija: Heteroseksualna Godina: 48 Boja kose: Plava Boja ociju: Plave Visina: 175 Težina: 75 Izgled: Horoskopski znak: Lav Gusto: Visok Sex preko telefona: Dostupna za telefonske sastanke:: od 20h do 23h Dostupna za telefonsjke sastanke vikendom: od licni oglasi stara pazova do 23h. Radnicima nudimo dinamičan, uvek različit i kreativan posao, dobre uslove rada, mogućnost ličnog napredovanja i profesionalnog usavršavanja. Ima parking, put je asfaltiran. Ekonomične i doživotnog veka trajanja. Useljivo - odmah Cena nije fiksna, po dogovoru. Zainteresovani mogu doneti svoju radnu biografiju lično ili istu poslati na mejl: marko. Zainteresovani mogu doneti svoju radnu biografiju lično ili istu poslati na mejl: marko.

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Sinon, laissez le conducteur de mise en sourdine audio non raccordé. Pioneer KEH-M8500RDS нужно инструкцию. Dashboard Rubber bush Mounting sleeve Side bracket Screw 2 mm ×... The AVH-P5700DVD delivers a full 50 watts x 4 channels.
AVH-P5700DVD - The AVH-P5700DVD can be connected with an iPod via this dedicated adapter, and using the touch panel, listeners can play iPod-recorded songs, scroll through the music library on their iPod, or select from several functions like Shuffle playback. Tighten two screws on each side.
Service Manual Car audio PIONEER KEH-1250, KEH-2200QR, KEH-2250QR, KEH-3250QR, KEH-3200QR. Sep 27, 2011 - схема подключения pioneer keh-1960, 2, 0. Схема подключения pioneer den, 2, 0. Руководство на русском языке к магнитоле pioneer deh-30mp, 1, 0. Ремонт pioneer 9600, 1, 0. Pioneer keh-2250qr разъем, 1, 0. Pioneer keh-2250qr, 1, 0. Скачивайте руководство пользователя к любой модели. Pioneer KEH-M8500RDS нужно инструкцию. May 10, 2013 - Достаю я свою старенькую магнитолку KEH-2250qr пионер конечно же и вижу вот такое месиво! Как же подключить новое ГУ? Какие провода для этого нужны? Что делать со старыми? Допустим, что я взял любую современную ГУ пионер. Что еще к ней надо докупить,. Запросы Просмотры% Место другие pioneer deh-p7400mp 8 2. Скачать pioneer keh 1250 2200qr 2250qr 3250qr 3200qr руководство по обслуживанию.
Pioneer AVH-5400 DVD
Как же подключить новое ГУ. USB cable supplied Connect to separately sold USB device. Amarillo Conecte el terminal de suministro de 12 V constante. Что pioneer avh-p5700dvd подключение к ней надо докупить. An autobus equipped with the optional rear-view camera adds a level of safety and assurance you can rely on. Extienda las partes superior e inferior del anillo de compensación hacia fuera para extraer el anillo de compensación. Insert the mounting sleeve into the dashboard. Tableau de bord Manchon de resistance Support latéral Vis 2 mm ×. Pioneer keh-2250qr, 1, 0. Instale la unidad en el tablero de instrumentos. The unit detects a wide range of real-time vehicle performance data — including acceleration, lateral G-forces, estimated horsepower, and torque, in addition to speed and RPM.